
Privacy Policy

Personal Information Protection Policy

Arcadia Vacations Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "The Company") fully recognizes the importance and social mission of protecting all personal information and "My Numbers" (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Information") handled by The Company, and will comply with the relevant laws and regulations regarding the protection of the rights of the individual and the protection of Personal Information, etc., as well as with the guidelines or policies of regulatory authorities and member associations, and will establish and implement the following basic policies.

  1. Personal Information shall be obtained, used, and provided only to the extent necessary for The Company's business operations, employment and personnel management, and shall not be used for any purpose other than those specified.My Numbers will be handled only within the scope prescribed by laws and regulations.
  2. We will comply with laws and regulations, national guidelines, and other norms regarding the protection of Personal Information.
  3. We will take reasonable security and preventive measures against the risk of leakage, loss, or damage of Personal Information, and will build a management system for the protection of Personal Information by injecting management resources in accordance with the conditions of our business. In the event of an emergency, corrective measures will be taken immediately.
  4. We will respond promptly and sincerely to complaints and consultations regarding the handling of Personal Information.
  5. We will continuously review and improve our Personal Information protection management system in a timely and appropriate manner in light of changes in the environment in which we operate.

Privacy Policy

In accordance with our "Personal Information Protection Policy," The Company, as a business operator handling personal information, will comply with laws, regulations, and other rules and norms related to the protection of personal information, and we have established our "Privacy Policy" and will strive to implement it, as well as to continuously improve our management system for protecting personal information.

【Purpose of Use of Personal Information】

  1. To exercise rights and perform obligations under commercial law
  2. To collect statistical data necessary for The Company to conduct public relations and information retrieval activities, etc.
  3. For business communication with customers
  4. To fulfill contracts with customers
  5. To respond to inquiries or requests from business partners
  6. To otherwise perform our operations in an appropriate and smooth manner

【Acquisition of Personal Information】

The Company will acquire personal information in strict compliance with laws and regulations.

【Consignment of Personal Information】

In order to facilitate the smooth operation of our business, The Company may consign the processing of part or all of its business to an outside contractor. In such cases, The Company will select a contractor that is equivalent to The Company in the handling of Personal Information and will exercise appropriate supervision, including supervision of the contractor.

【Disclosure or Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties】

The Company will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties except in the following cases:

  1. If the person in question has given his/her consent
  2. When there is a request for disclosure as required by laws and regulations, etc.
  3. When using the information in such a way that the person cannot be identified or distinguished.
  4. When we reasonably believe that it is necessary to protect the rights, property, safety, etc. of The Company and the person concerned.

【Request for Disclosure of Personal Information】

Please contact the Personal Information Consultation Desk below for requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, etc., of Personal Information held by The Company from the person himself/herself or his/her representative. Please note that we may not be able to respond to requests to cease use or delete personal information held in accordance with related laws and regulations.

【Personal Information Inquiry Desk】

If you have any complaints or inquiries regarding The Company's handling of personal information, please contact us at the following address.

1-11-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6224
(Pacific Century Place Maru-no-Uchi)

Arcadia Vacations Co. , Ltd (Official Japanese: 株式会社アルカディアバケーションズ)

Managing Department
General Affairs Department (Chief of Personal Information Protection & Management)
Phone Number
Business Hours
9:30 AM - 6:00 PM (except for Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)